Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Coming Home

            As I am sure you all know we plan on coming home sooner than we had planned because of certain events (mainly another robbery).  We think God is telling us that we have finished our work here and need a break.  I think that we have gotten a lot done here in the past year.  We have housed a total of 17 babies, gotten robbed twice, gotten land to build a permanent nursery, and hired most of the help needed to run the nursery.  I am looking forward to coming home and seeing white faces again!  Once again our plans didn’t line up with what God has in line for us.   






Wednesday, June 13, 2007


By Matthew (06/13/07)

This morning, our second death in the nursery occurred. Yamikani, (girl) died in the hospital some time this morning. She was one of the youngest babies in the nursery, and was sick a lot (breathing problems, etc.)   

We were very sad about it. This has been our second baby to die, (the first one was Jacob) and we were hoping she would get well. It was a big disappointment for all of us.


(Note: We currently have 2 babies in the nursery:

Gift & McDonald.)




Tuesday, June 05, 2007

One Year!

Today on June the 1st, we have been here for one year!  For all of us children, this is a milestone because it means that we have only one year left on our timetable.  We're hoping the Lord's timetable is the same as ours, but by now we have learned it usually isn't.  God has blessed the ministry we have here.  Allow me to outline our year for you;


          June 1, 2006- We arrived in Lilongwe, Malawi at approximately 1:00 P.M.


          June 18- We moved to Mzuzu City, into our present home.


June 28- We were robbed by a gang of about 6-8 men.  Thankfully, we recovered from the incident fairly well, and it sped up our nursery project.  As Joseph said, "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive."  Genesis 50:20


July 7- Sarah had her 9th birthday.


July - early August – We began to ready our west wing of the house for the nursery.  We talked to Social Welfare and discussed plans for the nursery. 


August 2- Andrew had his 10th birthday.


August 28- We received our first baby, Mphatso.  He was slightly undersized, but we promptly fattened him up and he is coming along fine.


August 30- Bridget came to our nursery. She was abandoned by her mother at a daycare.  She was very malnourished when we got her, and very expressionless.  Now, she is a little pistol, and full of expression (some good and some bad). 


September 20 - We received little Samson and Jacob (he passed away on the 26th of November.)  Samson is slowly catching up to what a baby his age should be at.


September 21 - We got Blessings.  He was very upset when we first got him, but he adjusted after about a week.  He liked to listen to the radio and bounce along with the rhythm. 


September 22nd- Alina turned 5. 


October 3rd- Loti came to our nursery.  He was and still is a very serious faced baby.  Dad always says he would make a great politician.


October 10th- Leya arrived.  She was the favorite in the nursery, and was adopted by the Sherbino family in January.


November 17th- Matthew turned 11.


December 10th- Gift was # 8.  He was small, but he is very fat now!


December 17th- Kris' 15th Birthday


January 8th, 2007- We received Siphiwe.  She was in fine shape, but the grandmother was sick, so adoption was a possible option.  However, the grandmother recovered, and she will go back to her family.  She has a very loud scream!


January 26th- Innocent arrived.  He is #10 baby, and he is still with us.  He had the softest hair, but he got buzzed just like all of the other boys.


March 24th- Dad's birthday! (I won't tell what his age is)


March 26th- Joshua Clark came from the United States to visit us.  He stayed for 10 days.


March 27th- Yamikani came to our nursery.  Joshua got to see firsthand how we get babies. 


March 28th- We celebrated Mphatso's and Bridget's first birthday!  We had a great party and the caretakers sang many songs for us. 


March 29th- Macdonald arrived on Joshua's lap.  He is the chunkiest one in the nursery now. 


April 19th- Mom's Birthday! (I won't tell which one!)


May 22nd- Mom and Dad's 25th Anniversary!  Their gift was baby #13, Solomon.


May 23rd- Jared's 17th Birthday!


June 1, 2007- One year here in Malawi!  We look forward to being back in the States next year sometime!



           As you can see, we had a very eventful year, especially with the nursery.  The time seemed to drag until around January, and then it flew by!  It hardly seems like a year.  Some days, especially nowadays in the cold season again, just drag by.  Thanks to everyone for their support during the last year.