Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Friday, November 10, 2006


On Sunday, the 5th of November, we received an invitation from Mama Sophret, one of our nursery caretakers. She wanted to know if we 6 kids (NOT the animal type) would like to come over for “lunch” at her house. Mom and Dad said OK, so she (Mama Sophret) said she would be over at 2 o’clock to pick us up. (Malawians don’t eat at the same time we Americans do.) She showed up at 2:08, and then we left. The short “path” we followed led us through a “community” which was, of course, teeming with curious kids which yell, upon seeing you, “MAH-ZUNG-OO!” which means white person. We got to her house, which was a nice little place. We went inside, and were greeted by her 3 kids, also her nephew and niece, and her husband, Dada Nyasulu (who worked for the McGills, friends of ours from CCAP). After washing our hands, we got to eat nsima, (a type of maize “porridge”) chicken, mangoes, & cookies (supplied by us), with pop afterwards. A what you might call “rich man’s meal” for Malawi. No Pepto-Bismol needed! J


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matthew has a firm grasp on the important (pepto) Love you guys, Thanksgiving just isn't going to be quit right this year.