Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Another Adoption?

          I am sure you have heard about our most recent baby Siphiwe.  This new baby is an 8 month old baby girl who doesn’t have a mother and her father is somewhere outside Malawi.  Right now her only guardian is a grandma which had been caring for her after her mother died.  Well, we already know about a family who wants to adopt a baby girl and Siphiwe is the only one.  This family is from Germany.  They have already visited us and have fallen in love with little Siphiwe.  After deciding that they would adopt her we found out that her grandma did not want that to happen but didn’t want to take care of her either.  Right now we are waiting for Siphiwe’s grandma to make a final decision as to whether she should be adopted or if she should go back to her. 

          This same family also appears to be interested in our 14 month old boy Blessings.  With Blessings being 14 months, he is already too old for our nursery to take care of because he gets into everything and needs to be watched constantly.  We hope that Blessing’s blind mother will agree to this adoption. She doesn’t want him to be adopted unless that family stays in Malawi so that he can assist her when he gets older. We know that whatever happens will be God’s will and not ours (Our will is that they will both be adoptable).  






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