Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Our 2 Latest Editions to the Nursery

            During the last week of February, we received 2 more babies!  The first was a 2 month old baby girl and weighed only 1.8 Kg’s (about 4 pounds)!  This has been the smallest baby we have received.  Her name is Yamikani.  The other baby we received was 5 months old and appears to be normal sized.  His name is McDonald.   Interesting name isn’t it? We have nicknamed him Big Mac. 

            Our nursery is now at its limit which is 8 babies not including Bridget.  In our Mzuzu nursery we have had 12 babies.  So what about the other 4?  One has died (Jacob), 2 have been adopted (Leah and Bridget), and another has been returned to its family (Blessings).  We hope to help many more orphan babies that need true care.




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