Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Baby Follies by Matthew

I am writing about some of the funniest happenings concerning babies that we’ve ever had.    

  1. Mphatso (m-pot-so) is our little “Pillsbury DoughBaby”. One evening, we were discussing the babies, and the topic turned to our little “doughbaby”. Sarah said,”We’ve got a black Pillsbury Doughbaby!” Then Dad said,” I’ll tell you why he’s so dark, he’s whole-wheat!”


  1.  Bridget, our oldest baby, has the funniest eating habits I’ve ever seen! For example, at dinner one day, we were eating scones with butter, and she had bread with butter. Mom tried to feed her the bread, and she wouldn’t touch it. Just sat and pouted. So Mom gave her a bit of scone, and she (Bridget, not Mom) practically jammed it in her mouth. Jared had a “genuine scientific experiment” in mind already. We rolled a piece of bread into a ball, and then rolled a piece of scone of the same size into a ball, also. We set them down in front of her. She picked up the bread ball, popped it in her mouth, and spat it out. She then dove for the scone and munched it with PLENTY of smacking.    


  1.  Bridget and Mphatso are the goofiest pair I’ve ever seen together. Bridget often says something to the effect of, “My baby!” when she plays with Mphatso, and Mphatso returns the favor by slobbering on her face. I’ve never seen her slobber on Mphatso, but at least her face is moist a lot.


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