Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bridget - by Sarah

Bridget is a baby in our crisis nursery. She is 18 months old and was abandoned by her mother. She was just about starved to death when we got her. She is now smiling and laughing, a totally different girl than when we got her 3 weeks ago. She loves to eat nsima, scones and especially eggs. When she sees food she smacks her lips and cries if she doesn’t get it.

Here is a picture of how we hold babies in Malawi. You put them on your back and then wrap a chitenge (a large piece of material) around your back and tie it in the front. This way you can do things and still have the baby with you.


1 comment:

richlisad said...

I love reading your posts, and am so glad that you kids are doing this. Bless you all.