Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Thursday, February 01, 2007

About Bridget

            As I’m sure you all know, one of the orphans we are caring for is Bridget.  Bridget is now 22 months old which is definitely too old for our nursery which is suited for babies, not toddlers.  When we received Bridget, she was about 18 months.  The only reason we took her in was because she was severely malnourished and needed immediate care.  She also had been abandoned at a day care and not taken care of.  At this point, she is in good health and could be returned to family.  The only problem is that her family was nowhere to be found. 

            The only thing that we can do for Bridget now is either adopt her or go to an orphanage called Rafiki.  This orphanage only receives double-orphans which are orphans that don’t have any parents.  Bridget is considered a double-orphan, so she qualifies for Rafiki.  We still haven’t decided whether to adopt her or send her to Rafiki.  We know that whatever God wants will happen.






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