Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Beach House at Chinteche

            After 5 1/2 months of running the nursery here, we decided we needed another break!  After shopping around for a place to vacation, we found a great place right on Lake Malawi near a small town called Chinteche that would accommodate our whole family comfortably.  The beach house we went to is not like a hotel in that we could be there alone with no neighbors!  We decided that we would stay there for a couple nights so that we would have plenty of time to enjoy the lake and swim in it.

            When we arrived there, we found that it was a great place considering that it was in Malawi.  There were 4 rooms with 2 beds in each room; just right for all of us (we brought a crib for Bridget).  The whole time we were there, the weather was great and perfect for swimming.  The house also included help that would wash the dishes and keep the house clean!  It was nice to go to sleep to the sound of the waves on the beach.

            When the vacation was over, we were quite disappointed to have to leave after enjoying the place so much.  I am sure that we will go back there again because we enjoyed it so much.  It was nice to get away from the noise of the nursery and enjoy ourselves.






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