Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Cold Weather is Upon Us

            As I’m sure you all know we are in the southern hemisphere while the U.S. is in the northern hemisphere.  So in June-August while it is hot in the U.S., it is cold here in Malawi.  Since we figured anywhere in Africa was hot, we didn’t bring much that would be suitable for cool weather.  Thankfully, we did bring some sweat pants and sweat shirts and good blankets that have helped a lot.  The weather is opposite that of the U.S.  We are used to having hot weather in July, so it is unusual for us to have cold weather now.  Fortunately, the place that we are staying at has a working fireplace which we can use to help heat the house.  Before the robbery the house that we were living at had an unusable fireplace so it was quite cold most of the time.  Although we had it rebuilt once, it still fails to work.  I will be quite thankful when this cold season is over.  


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