Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Monday, May 23, 2011

How God Lead Us

We were given a book titled, "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" about a young man from Malawi who built a windmill that generated enough electricity to power his home. He didn't have enough money to attend school so instead went to a library and checked out books on electricity and used odds and ends to build his windmill. Although the book portrays a great accomplishment against incredible odds, it still discussed many stories about witchcraft that still permeate Malawian culture. His father was saved from a rough life years before and was a practicing Christian but still recounted stories about "ghost trucks" and "witch planes" to his children. Even though they professed Christianity, they were still afraid of the demonic forces that exist in Malawi.

A lot of the Malawian Christians have one foot in Christianity and one foot in the occult. It's as if they want to make sure they have all their bases covered. Demonic activity is real to them as they have witnessed curses placed on people and seen the forces of darkness in action. This book put a desire in our hearts to return to Malawi and somehow encourage them that they don't need to fear the enemy when God is on their side. This will not be an easy task and only through the power of God and the Holy Spirit can we hope to make a difference.

Now that the seed was planted to return, how could we turn this into a family ministry? My children came up with the idea of using puppets. We could have the kids perform a skit based on a biblical principal and Andy could follow with more detailed teaching. We developed 7 skits that attempt to portray the contrast between the infinite power of the Almighty God against the power of Satan. They begin with the creation of the world and all that we know and work through biblical truths about conversion, angels working on our behalf, and culminate with a real life story of a Malawian Christian family who refused to use witchcraft to keep away evil, but instead relied on God.

So, we have been busy writing and rewriting scripts, making costumes & backgrounds and practicing. We are very excited about what God has in store for us and yet understand that we are going into the enemy's territory.

"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." 1Jo 4:4

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