Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Life after the Robbery by Jared

Ever since the robbery, I have had a problem sleeping. We have 2 night watchmen who, throughout the night, periodically check the burglar bar doors to make sure that they are locked and secure. They do this by rattling them, which immediately wakes me up and makes my heart race and my mind start off on a long imagination of what could potentially happen in the next hour or so. When I finally calm down, I realize that it was just the watchmen doing their job. It is the same story for car horns, the nightly chorus of dogs howling, and other hard to identify noises.

After the robbery, we had a lot done to the house. First, we installed the aforementioned burglar bars. These are door frames made of solid metal with rows of solid metal welded in the middle to make a pattern with spaces small enough that nobody can crawl through them. We also have had a security company called “Securicor” install push button alarms. If we push one of these buttons, about 5 minutes later a response team will arrive armed and ready to drive off any unwanted people. The brick wall surrounding our house is also being built higher. There is one spot that is only chest high to me. It will be built up a couple of feet higher.

During all of this, my life is starting to return to normal. I am starting school, which is great becomes it prevents me from wandering around aimlessly and it keeps my mind off of the robbery. Right after the robbery, I trusted nobody, but my trust in the common people is slowly being built up. Also, we have been making trips to Lilongwe and establishing many connections that will be useful in our future ministry to the orphans. We have made more progress since the robbery than we made the first 1 ½ months we were here. Thank you for your prayers during this experience. Please continue with your prayers because “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”


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