Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Vwaza Marsh Trip- By Matthew

A short while ago, we took a day trip to Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve. When we got there, we had to have a guide. (By the way, Vwaza is by Rumphi.) After 15 minutes of waiting, our guide arrived with a M16-A1 rifle that looked like 1970 army surplus. We found a group of elephants in the brush 80 yards from where we parked, and then got within 30 yards of them! We walked down a dirt road for another 15 minutes, and then got to the shore of a lake. Vwaza should have been named Hippo Marsh instead! Hippos were EVERYWHERE!!! There were at least 60 there! We walked along the shore and saw antelope (Kudu, Impala, & Bushbuck). Next, we saw a whole troop of baboons, and 3 warthogs! Suddenly, we got back to the road, and the car!

We ate lunch, packed up, and left. On the way out, we saw more baboons! One had its baby clinging like a tick to its chest!

We had been there for 2 to 3 hours!

All in all, it was a welcome break for all of us, and a good chance to see African wildlife.



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