Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The People by Kris

Just about all of the people in Malawi are very nice. They are also very happy. It is a rare occurrence to see an unhappy Malawian. All people here smile even if something is troubling them. The only problem is that they also try to look miserable and hungry to get money. Beggars very rarely accept any food from you even if they say they are hungry. It goes to show how hungry they actually are! All they want is money!

If you come here you will probably notice that most people here are not all that tall. Most Malawians here average about 5 feet, so Jared doesn’t have to feel so bad about being short, he is actually about the same height as an average adult.

Another very interesting thing that I enjoy very much is their singing. Their singing is so much different then what I’m used to. They harmonize very well in most songs. One thing that helps is Malawians tend to be more upbeat, so slow songs are not heard here. I can’t explain it all very well so you will have to come here yourselves to hear and see it.


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