Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Monday, August 27, 2007

Only 8 days left

With only 8 days left to go, we are getting very busy as we try to finish packing up before we go to Lilongwe on the 30th.  To show their appreciation for us, the nursery put together a going away party for us with cookies, snacks, pop, and the whole 9 yards.  They even did a little skit that showed the procedure we use when we receive a baby.  They even used a real baby believe it or not!  They also gave my mom and dad a gift of some traditional clothing.  I think it was very nice of them to do this for us.

Not only did the nursery do something for us, but our assembly also gave us a gift of a carved rhino and some chitenjes.  The funny part was that they had to borrow some money from my dad to buy the gifts! 

Although I am happy to go home for a break, I am still sad to be leaving Malawi and the babies and friends we came to love.  I think that I would feel much better if I knew that I was coming back soon.  Even though I would want to come back to Malawi, whatever god has planned for all of us will happen his way not ours.  A couple months ago, I was looking forward to leaving Malawi, but now that the time is really close, I am not looking forward to it as I was before.

We will be leaving Mzuzu on the 30th August and stay in Lilongwe until our flight on the 4th of September.  I think that all of the nannies at the nursery dread our leaving and keep asking us if we are coming back soon and to please write to them while we are in the U.S.





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