Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Thursday, August 09, 2007

A True "Malawian" Experience

            On our way to a village near the lake, we passed a tractor towing a pickup and going very slow.  Well we passed it with no problem and kept on going.  Seeing this kind of thing was not unusual, so we thought nothing of it.  A while later we passed a semi truck that had tipped over and had dumped over bales of something, possibly cotton.  Since seeing this kind of thing was not unusual either so we kept on going.  We arrived at the village of Mkondezi and didn’t have too much of a problem except a drunk guy in the middle of the road that banged on our windows as we passed.  After a great teaching about baptism and a few questions answered by my dad, we went on our way.  About half way back home, we met the tractor that had been hauling the pickup, except this time it was going so slow that it wasn’t moving at all!  Well, the tractor had a very good reason to be stopped in that a pickup had run into it and was pretty much smashed and the tractor definitely was not in much better condition.  The pickup that the tractor had been towing was now on the other side of the road with the front end a little damaged. 

Seeing a tipped truck is not unusual, in that we see at least one on every trip we make on a highway. But a tractor and two pickups wrecked was a little more abnormal.  I have only seen a wreck like this once or twice before here in Malawi.  Although I don’t know if anyone was seriously hurt in that accident, we can hope that whoever was involved in this accident was a Christian so that they would go to heaven rather than a place worse than any car accident imaginable.






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