Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Friday, August 05, 2011


Today we performed our last skit at the nursery and had a good bye ceremony.  As is in the custom here, there were speeches and gift giving.  They expressed their sadness at our leaving but our prayer is that they will see God as their hope and not us.  Sarah had made cinnamon rolls for everyone, which they enjoyed, and they sang songs for us.  There is something about their singing that we just love to hear.
We are leaving on Sunday morning, two days from now, and our leaving is bittersweet.  We are all anxious to get home but we are also sad to leave the staff at the nursery and the sweet babies.  The caregivers are all very dear to us and it feels like family when we are here. We have enjoyed spending much of our time here at the nursery and they have enjoyed our being here.  The babies will probably cry next week when they aren't being held as much as they have been for 7 weeks.  We have definitely spoiled them but it is easy to do.
Even though we won't be here to update you on the nursery, please keep these ladies who work so hard at caring for these tiny ones, the babies and the management in your prayers.  Donations are down and they are concerned about the financial situation but we know that God will provide and we have encouraged them to focus on Him as He loves these babies more than us.
More than 80 babies have passed through these doors and we saw 3 who were in our care in 2006 and were so impressed at how these children have developed.  We truly believe it is because of the love and care of the nannies that these children are so well adjusted and bright.
Our family with the Crisis Nursery Staff and a few babies

1 comment:

Jared Langdon said...

Well...for us it is mostly sweet. I look forward to having you guys home again. Home safe and sound day after tomorrow! Love you all and miss you!