Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Monday, August 01, 2011

More Skits

Last week we performed our puppet skits for two more places.  On Saturday we presented the skits to children in grades 2-5 at Rafiki which is an orphan village that is US run and located outside of Mzuzu. At Rafiki, English is the primary language so the kids were able to do the skits without a translator.  They were thrilled as it isn't so hard on their arms and shoulders. 

Rafiki children watching the puppets

On Sunday morning we went to Mzilawayingwe Prayer House which is a small building used mainly for Sunday School for children.
Mzilawayingwe children listening as Chiku translates
It was very cold on Sunday morning which means that it takes a while for the children to come.  We ended up with 70-80 children watching.  It is such a blessing to watch these children as they are watching the puppets.  As the kids perform and Andy speaks I am always praying that God's word will penetrate their hearts and minds and these little skits will somehow make a difference.  Most of these children are very poor and yet they come to this little prayer house for Sunday School. 
Salome, who is a Sunday School teacher at this prayer house and at Katawa CCAP where we also performed, was so thrilled that we had come to teach the children.  She asked for copies of the skits so she could continue teaching the children based on the skits.  On Sunday we gave her the copies and also gave them "Good and Evil" books which is a comic book style Bible story book in Chichewa.  Her comment to me was, "We are so rich now."  It was a blessing to hear as most of the time people are asking for money from us.  She instead realized that our treasure is really in God's word.
We have also been blessed with great translators.  They add information about the skits for the kids and are very animated as they translate.  They are fun to watch and really add to the performance.

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