Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Another Presentation

Since being in Mzuzu our puppet presentation hasn't been as in demand as we had hoped.  We were a little discouraged at first but then decided to leave it with the One who called us here.  If He wanted us to perform then He would need to break through the barriers.  When we quit worrying about it and prayed more then we received a call to present the skits at another CCAP Sunday School this past Sunday.
Originally, we didn't think we could be at another church on Sunday since we are doing the skits at the church we attend.  CCAP Sunday Schools start at 7 am and our church doesn't start until 9 am which gives us time to do both churches.  It makes for an early morning but it is well worth it.
We arranged to meet someone at the church at 6:45 am who would show us where to go.  We arrived at 6:45 sharp but no one was there and those who were knew nothing about us.  Because we know that the Lord is over all of this we weren't anxious but just prayed that the Lord would work things out.  This is a difficult lesson for some of my kids as they get quite agitated when it looks as if things aren't going to work out but a necessary lesson for them. 
Finally, someone showed up who knew we were going to be there and took us to a small room and then decided that it was too small for the amount of kids that would show up.  She took us to the "hall" which is an unfinished building but has a roof and walls but no flooring and no windows or doors.  They brought in mats for the children to sit on and then began singing while we set up the puppet stage. 
We were told we would have an interpreter but no one seemed to know who that was so a man who teaches the kids was asked and he agreed to do it.  We performed 6 skits with Andy teaching for a few minutes in between.  The kids did a great job again and are learning to pause while the interpreter speaks before continuing.  It makes for tired arms but they are getting use to it. 
There were about 300-400 kids present as more streamed in.  We were finished at 8:30, packed everything up and ready to go to our church by 8:45.  They asked us to come back and perform for the adults and the interpreter said there is another church we need to perform at.  We are returning on Saturday to perform for the youth or high school age kids and they want to discuss doing the skits for others at that time.  We got off to a slow start but God is working out the details.  We are trusting Him to order our steps.  Please pray that His word will touch the hearts and lives of those who are coming.

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