Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Weather

Most of you are enjoying summer weather right but here in Malawi it is winter time.  June and July are the winter months and here in Mzuzu it can be very cold.  Mzuzu is in the mountains at over 5000 ft. elevation.  When we came the last time we had no idea how cold it could be.  Since the houses are brick and have no heat source when the sun is not out and the wind is blowing, it can feel very frigid in the house. 
Since arriving, the weather has been very pleasant with mostly sunny days and cool nights.  We weren't huddled under blankets once the sun went down.  Then July hit and boy have we been cold.  The wind has been blowing and the sun has been hidden behind the clouds.  On Saturday, we had quite a bit of rain. 
The house we are in now is somewhat smaller than our first house and tends to be warmer but it is still cold.  We go to bed early just so we can get warm. 
When we decided to come to Malawi again, we didn't want to come during June or July because 1) it is very cold during these months, and 2)we were robbed both times in June.  Obviously, the Lord had other ideas about our time table and we know that we are here at the right time.  We will just keep the layers on and drink a lot of tea and coffee to stay warm.

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