Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Saturday, July 16, 2011


When we were in Malawi in 2006-2007 we obtained a plot of land to build a permanent nursery facility.  This was nothing short of a miracle since the plot was already assigned and it only took about 6 weeks to get all the paperwork in order.  Here the land is almost exclusively owned by the government and given by 99 year lease.  One of the requirements is that improvements to the land need to be made in 6 months or it may be reassigned to another party.  Due to financial circumstances after the land was assigned to Minsitry of Hope, no improvemnts were made and now the land has been reassigned to someone else.  We were told the Ministry of Lands would find another suitable plot in the same area, but when we visited them on Friday, the person we talked to didn't act like he had heard of this discussion and no effort had been made to find another plot.  We go back on Tuesday to find out the status.  Please pray in the meantime for a miracle of the Lord, as the human side of things looks bleak if not impossible.  We place our trust in Him and not in the arm of man, and ask that His will be accomplished in this area.


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