Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Babies at the Nursery

I realized that I hadn't posted any pictures of the babies here at the Mzuzu Nursery.  Right now, there are 9 babies.  Their maximum capacity is 15 but they have had 18 at times.  With 3 nannies that means 5 babies to a nanny when they have a full house.  If they have more than 15 they hire part-time nannies to help.
As you can imagine, my 3 girls only want to spend their time here holding babies.  They are a big help to the nannies.

Twins - Jerrine & Darlene

The two fattest babies - Joseph & Flyness

Bridget with Temwa

Twin boys - Moses & Marman


Jared Langdon said...

Wow, I thought they had more babies. Oh well, at least there's still enough to go around right? Hold one for me too, Sarah!

Anonymous said...

thats very cute!!!

gavin **