Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When you get frustrated with government bureaucracy…

you need to visit the Malawi Immigration Office.  We had to go yesterday to get our visitors visa extended for 30 more days.  The office is in a government building downtown with the prison office and office of registry.  I showed up a little after 9 with all 8 passports and 40,000 MK (about $250) to get our extension.  The entrance to the Immigration office was guarded by someone who was directing all the throng of people to various windows or rooms.  I expressed my need and was told to go to room 2 (which is the boss’s office).  I fought my way down the 4 foot wide hall that was full of people lined up to get to a window and got to room 2.  The officer was very helpful, gave me the 8 forms (a miracle in itself, usually they are out of forms and have to send out for more, or you have to go get your own copies made) to fill out.  After giving him the filled out forms and the 40,000 MK, he said to follow him to get them processed.  We made our way back toward the mob at the windows and he handed off our package to a man standing there with some other passports and cash in his hand.  I asked if I should wait, and he told me to return in 2 or 3 hours and they would be done.  Since 2 or 3 hours ended up at lunch, I waited until 2 to come back.  I took Alina with me so she could have some adventure as she gets bored sometimes just sitting at home or the nursery.  As we arrived, they were just opening up after lunch hour, so the crowd was even thicker.  We hit gridlock about halfway up the stairs to the second floor where the offices are.  There was a small line of people fighting their way forward, so we followed them.  When we got to the main hallway, it was completely full of people waiting and you could barely fight your way through the mob.  After about 10 minutes of jostling, we made our way back to room 2, but the boss was still out to lunch.  We waited for another 15 or 20 minutes and he showed up.  We were ushered into his office and he said he would go check on the passports.  He returned with the passports and the stack of forms and receipts for payment.  We verified payment for all 8 and he left to get them processed.  He came back in about 5 minutes with a stamp to extend the visitors visa.  He started to stamp and at the same time deal with the 3 other people who had come into the office.  After stamping them all, he asked me to interpret what the stamp said about which date went where.  The stamp was so worn out you could barely read what it said, but we finally figured out one date was the new end date for our stay and the other the current date.  He filled out all the dates and then got another stamp to make it official.  After stamping them again with a different stamp, we were good to go.  Thankfully the crowd hand dispersed some by this time and there was actually a pathway to walk between people waiting.  Two trips, a couple of hours,  rugby scrum, lots of stamping and we can now stay until August 13.  I have a whole new perspective on the U.S. Passport Agency.


Jared Langdon said...

Some things never change. I was much more blessed over here, I got the problem with my SSN all sorted out in about 30 minutes. They made some changes to my record and off I went. Makes me thankful to work with the U.S. Government than the other ones. Have you heard back from the land office yet?

Langdon Family said...

We were told that the land is gone but they will give us a different piece of land. Your dad & Augustine are away now looking at some land. We will post the results when we know them.