Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Monday, June 20, 2011

Change of Plans

This morning we were  up bright and early to get ready to return to Mzuzu.  We have all been so excited about returning and seeing the nursery and all our friends there.  The car was loaded and we were on the road by 8 am. 
The trip to Mzuzu takes about 4 hours and goes through some steep mountain passes.  As we got out of Lilongwe, Andy commented that the clutch was starting to slip so we prayed and hoped that we could keep going.  As we started going uphill it became obvious that we wouldn't make it.  We turned around and headed back to the guest house. 
At this point we aren't sure what we will do.  We are looking into renting another car but that has the same possibilities as the car we have.  Augustine is planning to come from Mzuzu this afternoon and we can go back with him tomorrow.  We , of course would love to go today as everyone is more than ready.  Thankfully God is who we trust to guide us and we are waiting on His plan to come to fruition. 
We are so thankful that we didn't get stranded somewhere between here and there and that we could return safely to Lilongwe and that we can still stay at our guest house.  God is faithful!
"Lean not on your own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct they paths."

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