Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Monday, June 20, 2011

Our Visit with Mphatso

The first baby we took into the Mzuzu Crisis Nursery was Mphatso.  He was 5 months old but looked about 2 months.  He became very dear to our family.  He was adopted by a German couple who live in Lilongwe and on Saturday we visited him and his family. 
He was very shy and pretty much ignored us but he did play with Bridget and Alina.  It was so great to see him and it was very obvious that his mother and father adored him.  We had a wonderful time visiting his family and so amazed at how God can work in the lives of these orphaned children.
Bridget and Mphatso Together Again

1 comment:

Jared Langdon said...

Wow, he's tall and skinny compared the chunk he was when we first got him! That must have been a great visit.