Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Our Skits

We have 7 skits that we have written and will perform in Malawi. Our focus was to encourage and equip Christians in Malawi but we still wanted to have the gospel message for whoever might be listening. We wanted the messages to be what God wanted us to say so we spent much time in prayer regarding what to write.

Our first skit is on creation and Satan's fall from heaven and how he is a created being and doesn't have powers greater than God. The 2nd skit is the story of Peter & John going to the temple and they end up healing a lame man who is asking for money. Since begging is non-stop in Malawi we thought the theme was appropriate. The message we wanted to present was that the lame man was asking for money which is temporal while God gave him something more—healing his body and eternal life. In Skit 3 we tell the story of when the Israelites are surrounded by the Assyrian army and King Hezekiah prays to God after being threatened by Sennacherib. The King says these great words from 2 Chronicles 32, "Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him: With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles." God then wipes out the entire Assyrian army. Skit 4 is the story of Saul's conversion on the road to Damascus. We wanted to present salvation as a life-changing occurrence where you turn from your old ways and are a new creature in Christ.

The remaining 3 skits revolve around Malawian culture and their beliefs. In Skit 5 we show a young man who is recently saved but is being asked to steal by a friend. He is then reminded by another friend of how as a Christian he shouldn't be stealing using Ephesians 4:27 which says, "Neither give place to the devil. Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that has need." The message in Skit 6 is for fathers to teach their children the truths from the Bible. A father is telling his child tales that are based on ancestral worship even though they are Christians. A friend reminds him that the Bible is our source for truth. The last skit is a true story that actually happened in Malawi. A Christian man was asked to sprinkle magic powder around his house because the village leaders thought that witchcraft was in the village and they needed the powder to keep them safe. The man refused because he believed that God would protect him. Two days later his young son woke up screaming and running around the house as if he could see something. When they went to investigate the Holy Spirit told the man that the demons were tormenting him because they had refused the powder. He prayed for protection in the name of Jesus and the tormenting stopped and they had peace after that.

Our prayer is that God will use these messages to remind the Malawians that "greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world" and that they can have victory in Jesus. It's a message that we all need to remember too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God be with as you are coming back to Malawi. May God use you as a blessing to many souls in Malawi.

Praying for the safe journey to malawi.