Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Trip

As you all know, we all made it safely here to Malawi, but I'm going to give you more details as to how the whole trip here went.
Our first flight from Seattle to London, started with a small technical problem with the plane (while we were still on the ground, fortunately) which caused and extra 1 1/2 hours of sitting on the plane at the airport seeing what little can be seen from an airplane window.  After the long wait, we were finally on our way!  The flight to London was about 8 1/2 hours, which sounds really long, but it wasn't too bad since we left around 7:50 PM, which made most of the flight overnight.  We landed in London around 12:30 PM (London time)
Our layover in London for this next flight was going to be 7 hours, but due to the delay in Seattle, it only ended up being 5-6 hours (it seemed really long anyways).
I am not sure if anyone is interested in our travel details, so I will try to make the rest somewhat brief.  Our next flight was to Johannesburg, South Africa.  This flight was only 10 hours (no problem).  Fortunately, it was an overnight flight so we were able to sleep some of the time.
We arrived in South Africa with no problems, had a 3 hour layover, then continued out journey on another plane to Lilongwe, the capitol of Malawi.  This flight was only 2 hours, 10 minutes.  It went by very fast.
We arrived in Lilongwe at 12:30 PM.  It was a great feeling to know that we were finally here!  I still can't believe we are actually here!
I want to thank all of those who prayed for our safety as we traveled.  It was appreciated.  Now that we are here, please pray that God can use us to minister to the people here.  I am really looking forward to seeing God work through us here.


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