Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Power Outages

Since coming to Lilongwe (LLW) we have had many power outages--at least 2 a day.  This makes it challenging to cook so we have had a lot of PB&J sandwiches even for breakfast but we are thankful for that.  Most days it has been on through the night and if we get up before 7am we can boil water to make tea and coffee.  Coffee from a french press never tasted so good!  It also goes off some time during the day. 
The kids like the power outages because we have been buying samosas in town as most stores have generators.  Samosas are meat and/or vegetables wrapped in a thin dough and fried.  They are not very healthy but they are very good.
Yesterday the power was on for 24 hours so we were able to cook dinner and eat it with the lights on.  It was off this morning and the Malawians that are in the guest/servants quarters asked if I wanted him to bring their charcoal cooker so I could make lunch.  I thought it would be fun to try.  Just a few minutes later the power came back on so I guess we'll have to cook the normal way today.
We are so blessed to have the many luxuries we have in the States.  Count your blessings!

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