Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We're Here

We arrived in Malawi yesterday and all went very well.  The flights were long and we were tired yesterday but we all had a good night's sleep.  Our guest house does have internet but the laptop has screen problems so it jumps all over as I type so forgive the typos :)
We were able to call Augustine last night and our car is supposed to arrive from Mzuzu today but the country is having serious fuel shortages and it is very difficult to find fuel.  At every gas station we passed, there was no fuel and many trucks just waiting.  The young man who runs the guest house was able to pick us up but was phoning all over last night to find more fuel as he needed to go to his village to help harvest.  He finally received a call that there was a station with fuel so left quickly to get it.  His truck is still here so we are not sure if he got any.  We will trust the Lord that when we need fuel we can find it.  We will be walking a lot to save fuel.  It is also very expensive as Fred told us it was about $9-10/gallon.  I guess that makes our gas prices look pretty good!  Just come to a 3rd world country and you'll appreciate what you have!
There have also been a lot of power outages too.  Last night the power went off and came back on during the night.  When we got up it was off again.  It came back on a short time later and we could have our coffee.  It was delicious!
The kids got a ride homje from the airport in the back of a lorie (truck).  Fred pick us up but the cab only seats 3 so he put rattan chairs in the back and thekids climbed in with the luggage and off we went.  They didn't seem to mind and got a good view of Lilongwe.
Plese continue to keep us in your prayers and that we will have discernment and wisdom in the direction God wants us to go each day.

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