Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Monday, June 27, 2011

Puppet Performances

We performed Skit 1 for the nursery last Friday and on Sunday we presented it at the church we attended when we lived here.  Skit 1 is about creation and compares who God is with who Satan is.  Andy followed it with more in-depth Bible teaching. Everyone loved the puppets and Andy didn't think they were as thrilled with his teaching but I noticed that many were listening attentively.
We will present one skit a week at each place.  On the week following our skits Andy will teach the men from the church and I will teach the nannies at the nursery a more in-depth Bible study that will reinforce what was said during the skits. Please pray for Andy and me to be led by the Spirit in our teaching and that God will open the ears and hearts of those that attend.

Ladies, babies and some men watching the puppets

Andy teaching at church with Adam & Eve in the background

1 comment:

Jared Langdon said...

Way to go, guys. Don't be discouraged by any lack on interest. It's only your job to get the message out there and God will take it from there. The seeds, once planted, sometimes take quite awhile to sprout you know. Love you all and am very proud of the work you're doing over there!