Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Thursday, June 02, 2011

A House

It looks as if we have a house in Mzuzu. Praise the Lord! It is the home of Jodi McGill, our dear friend who has helped us time and time again in Mzuzu. Her family is going on a 1 year furlough to the states and their house will be vacant the middle of June. The landlord has agreed to rent it to us for 2 months.

Augustine worked tirelessly to find us a house and the McGill's house was the only one available. Jodi originally mentioned it to me but said that it wasn't as secure as we may like due to our previous experiences with being robbed. I immediately said no thanks which was a decision based on fear. The Lord obviously wants us to stay there and my fears are irrelevant. He alone knows what we need.

The McGill's are letting us have the basics in the house during our stay so we won't need to pack (or buy when we get there) linens, dishes, etc. What a huge blessing. It is also on the same road as the nursery and about 7 houses down from it. The Lord must want us close to the nursery as the other house was on the other end of town. We are very excited that God continues to work on our behalf.

"In all thy ways acknowledge HIM and He shall direct thy paths"

1 comment:

Tina said...

YAY!! That is such good news. So happy to hear about your adventure and look forward to following your blog as God leads you in ministering to the people and children of Malawi. Praying for God's wisdom!
We love you~ The Fies Family