Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Our first puppet presentation

We performed for the first time yesterday at the Lilongwe Crisis Nursery.  The kids did a great job and the ladies seemed to emjoy it.  Our crowd dwindled mid way as babies needed tended and some of the staff had to leave but many returned for the last skit which was about trusting God to protect you from Satan and a message that they desperately needed to hear. 
Sarah caught a cold and wehn we got to the nursery she looked like she was going to faint and didn't think she could perform.  We prayed over her for healing and by the time we started she was much better and was able to participate.  God is faithful! 
We have been more sure since coming that thiese messages must be told. We've had more sickness starts and sleep lost to spiritual battles at night (the sounds at night will convince you that there is demonic activity all around).  God has kept us and will continue to keep us for that we are convinced.
Even though the audience was small the supervisors thought our message was very much needed and would have an impact wherever we presented it.  They were also impressed that our family worked together to present the message.  She said that they never see fathers, mothers and children working together as each goes his/her own way. They wished we were in Lilongwe longer so we could go with the Mobile Medical Unit that goes to villages every Thursday.  They said that while they are helping with the physical needs we could be helping with their spiritual needs.  We are considering coming back to Lilongwe a few days before we leave and going with them then. 
Please continue to pray for healing and protection for our family and that we will see where God wants to lead us.
I am hoping to post pictures when we get to Mzuzu as I would love for you to see those who we are ministering to.


Anonymous said...

We will be praying for you that all stay healthy and that those who need to hear the message will be present and open to it.

We would love to see pictures if possible!

The Cleveland's

Langdon Family said...

We are hoping to post pictures when we get to Mzuzu on Monday. Just be patient as we'd love for you to see a little of what we are doing and seeing.
