Langdon Kids

Langdon Kids
The Langdon Puppet Team--Andrew, Matthew, Alina, Bridget, Kris & Sarah

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We are in Mzuzu

We used the Crisis Nursery vehicle to get to Mzuzu yesterday.  Augustine and Kris stayed with our rented car with the plan to leave after the mechanic fixed it.  We arrived about 4 pm and Augustine arrived at 9 pm.  The rented car was supposedly fixed but Kris said it had hardly any power and there was no way our family with all our luggage would have made it.  But thank the Lord it all worked out.
We went straight to the nursery and they came running out on the road waving flowers and branches and singing to us.  It was very wonderful and we were all in tears.  They continued singing as we drove into the nursery compound.  Almost all the nannies were there to welcome us.  It was like seeing family again.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sarah for the post card it was fun to here from you


Jared Langdon said...

Glad to hear you guys finally made it there. Hopefully that car won't be too much of an issue for the rest of your stay. I love you all!